Thinking about fear and comfort zones reminded me that everything feels scary until it becomes your new normal. Every time you try to do something new or go down a new path it will be scary until you get use to it.

And that feeling is totally normal! But it’s exactly why so many people choose to stay in their comfort zone rather than try the new thing. Think about how many people you know who seem stuck in a situation that they can change. I would bet if you ask them what is holding them back, they would say they are afraid. Afraid of the unknown, afraid of the change. Heck, think about how many times you’ve let yourself be stopped by that feeling. We’ve all done it!

Even little changes, for example, I have had A LOT of hair colors and styles. Some I have loved, some have just been okay. One of the most common responses I get from having “different” hair is “Oh, I wish I were brave enough to try something like that!” and I always say you should go for it. It’s just hair, you can always change the color or let it grow out. But I get it. Even after years of doing different things with my hair, I still feel a tingle of nervous fear when I do something really different. There is always a moment, when I walk through the door to my house or into work the next day. It’s the moment before anyone sees me, when I think “Shit, what did I do?!” Even if I love it! But after years of doing it, I know it’s just the fear of change and in a few days it will feel normal to me. I won’t be surprised by every mirror I look into and everyone who sees me regularly will see it as “normal Kristen” too.

I know that is a small example but this feeling comes up in any change you make. Take a new job for example. That moment when you are going in to give you notice. I bet you feel that fear creep up and you question if you are doing the right thing. Even if you know you are. Then you start the new job and I swear there is something that happens about 2 weeks into a new job where you think “What the hell have I done?”. Then a few more weeks pass and it becomes your new normal, your new comfort zone.

What I’m saying is this… Be brave my dear. If you know the decision is right don’t let fear stop you. If you get a chance to do something new, even if its as simple as bowling for the first time since you were 5, don’t sit it out because you are afraid. If you want crazy hair, then damn it, go for it! And everyone please for my sake, just dance if you want to because no one is worried about what you look like other than you. We are all too busy worrying about ourselves! Honestly if anyone does care then they aren’t your kind of people and they can take their opinions else where.

Be brave my friends. Life is too short to let fear hold you back.

Ps let me add this… No, not everyone will understand your choices. Not everyone will support your choices. Not everyone will like your hair or your spiritual choice or your new tattoo or your new boyfriend/girlfriend or your newly single self or the fact that you are choosing anything different than they would. And that is okay too because you aren’t making choices for them. You are making choices that are right for you. It’s not always easy but it’s so worth it.

And as a bonus a montage of hair styles….don’t get me started on the ones that are only in non digital photos!