It’s the first official badge pinning ceremony of Grown Up Summer Camp 2019! And I’m willing to bet you have earned this one!

Yes, Campers it’s the One Mother SPF-ER Badge! 

How do you know if you have earned this badge well :

1) This goes out to all the parents who have spent the summer attempting to slather sunscreen on children who suddenly turn into one of those blow-up wiggly air dancers that sit out front of car dealerships. Bonus points if you were:

A: In work clothes, trying not to get greasy sunscreen stains on them.

B: It was before 7 am and coffee.

C: After the battle, there was so much sunscreen on yourself that you figured you were covered now too and might as well go swim.


2) This also goes out to anyone who has to use an entire bottle of sunscreen under their SPF shirt because the sun hates their skin and instead of tanning gets a nice crispy red even with all of the aforementioned precautions.


If you qualify then you, my fellow camper, are One Mother SPF-ER! You have earned this badge and now deserve a drink and maybe a nap in the shade.


Have another way in which you feel you qualify for this badge of honor? Email me and let me know!

Until next week… Happy Camping!