

We’ve had a little time in this new year now (Oh Heeeey 2014) and it’s been just enough time to figure out what I want this year to be about. You may have noticed I didn’t do a post yet about goals in the new year. The truth is, I haven’t been totally sure how to describe what I want this new year to be about. I saw on one of the talk shows a piece about choosing one word to theme your year and it hit me as perfect. I don’t have just one or two goals for this year, I have a lot of things I want to feel in the new year. At first I was trying to pick a word and then a few days later one just popped into my head. (In the shower as inspiration likes to do)


It describes multiple thing I want for 2014. I want to feel lighter in spirit. 2013 was a growing year. It was both fantastic in so may ways and the most stressful year of my life to date. This year I want to enjoy all the new changes from last year and all the things I worked towards. I want to paint our house and enjoy being in it. I want to sit with our puppy who is now a dog and enjoy the fact that after a year he isn’t so much work. ( If you have had or now have a puppy, you know what I mean. They are adorable but the first year is a LOT of work. ) Ganon is at the point now where most of the time we can just enjoy hanging out with him. There is nothing like a Saturday morning with a cup of coffee and a dog snuggled next to you on the couch. I want to spend quality time with my husband not doing anything in particular. (Or planning anything particular i.e. wedding) I want to be able to hang with friends and family without thinking about all the things I need to do elsewhere. I want to be able to be in the moment.

I want to feel freedom. What I mean by that it is this… think back to when you were a kid. Everyday was exciting because you were looking forward to so much of the future. You didn’t worry about every little thing. You lived in the moment. You played. A lot! You were creative and silly and open to the world in a way we forget as adults. Nothing was impossible. I want to feel that sense of wonder and joy again. I want to cultivate that feeling because I know it’s the feeling that leads to inspiration and really enjoying life. I know it’s going to take practice. It’s easy to get bogged down in the details. It’s easy to forget to be grateful for what you have. It’s easy to let yourself get so stressed that you can’t think straight. It’s harder to choose lightness. I know it’s going to be “work” but it’s the kind of work that will start to feel like play. It will start to feel easy and ,well, light after a while. How great does it sound to feel the freedom of kid every day while being able to recognize how great that is?  Maybe what I’m talking about is impossible but just like a kid, I’m going to try anyway.

Lightness. In mind, body, & spirit. That is my theme for 2014. What’s yours?