
It’s been 8 weeks since our girl came into the world. I can’t believe how fast time has gone. They aren’t kidding when they say the first few weeks are like a whirlwind. This being our first baby, Tom and I had no idea what we were doing when we first brought her home. No amount of reading can really prepare you for the moment the hospital says “okay, you can all go home”. I mean, what?! Just like that, you’re letting us take her home?? and at the same time after a 24 hour rough labor and following C-section, we were ready to do exactly that.

The first night was rough and the first weeks feel like a foggy haze of sleep deprivation, anxiety, emotional roller coasters, and moments of pure joy. Finally at 8 weeks, we are all getting a little more sleep which is allowing me to write this post. In fact that sweet little girl is napping as I write this.

Folllow Your Arrow is all about taking the reins of your life and having the courage to make choices that are right for you. I never said those choices would be easy to make or would come without some discomfort. We all know how uncomfortable change can and usually is. It’s the middle part where we usually get stuck. We make a choice but then when we are going through the discomfort of change, we start to lose our way. We question if we did the right thing or how the hell we are going to get there. Sometimes we turn back because comfortable is easier than pushing through. Sometimes we just sit down in the road and let others take the lead. The truth is, when your in the middle of change, it is going to be uncomfortable but you have to keep going. It won’t always be that way and in fact, there will come a point in time when the newness starts to feel normal and you look back and can’t remember when it was any other way.

For me, having a baby is one of my arrows. Both Tom and I wanted children and now we have been blessed with a beautiful, smiley, happy little bean who I can’t begin to say how much I love. However, as any person with kids knows, it’s not easy. It is a HUGE change and both Tom and I felt it when we brought her home. Don’t be mistaken, we both love this little girl more than anything but we both felt a certain loss at the ending of our old life. The one with just the 2 of us, where no one was up at 2am (or at least it wasn’t to change diapers). We were both a bit emotional. Yes, part was from hormones but part was just going through the discomfort of change. We both knew that and the recognition of that helped us push through.

The first weeks of bringing Baby L home were uncomfortable. We were learning so much so fast and this little girls life depended on us figuring it out. I’ve always been one of those people who said getting a puppy was like training wheels for having a baby. While I still believe that, a baby is a whole other level my friends. FO SERIOUS.  We learned though and we asked for help when we needed it. Between parents, siblings, friends, and doctors we spent a lot of time asking questions and for advice (and for someone to come watch her so we could nap, thank god for that!) We got through and now, after only 8 weeks, we are both comfortable in our new life.  Now I can’t imagine our lives without her! It’s cliche but she really does fill a space up in my heart that I didn’t know was waiting to be filled and she is so worth every uncomfortable moment.

Whatever change you are going through, keep your chin up, ask for help if you need it (you’d be amazed at how many people are willing to lend a hand if you just ask), talk to someone, and keep going. When you get to the other side, you will know and it will be so worth it.