I do some of my best thinking when I’m walking with our dog. He sniffs every fire hydrant, I think, it works for us!  As I was rolling through the mess of thoughts in my brain a message kept coming back to me, You NEED to believe in your own power.

Lately, my brain feels like its on information overload. It’s my own fault because it’s how I work through change. I’m an information gatherer. If I don’t know the answer or I’m not sure of the right path to follow, my go-to coping mechanism is Get. More. Info. Which totally helps in some cases but there also comes a point where my head is so full of all the info and all the voices of the people I’m getting info from that I loose the ability to hear my own voice. Which ends up making me feel even more stuck! It’s like I’m standing at the fork in the road and 100 people are yelling from the sidelines “Go this way!” or “No this way!” until finally I have to tell them all to “Shut the hell up! I can’t hear myself think!”

Here is what I know to be true in my life. When I am stuck, I gather all the info I can BUT when it comes to solving the problem or making the decision, I have to take what I can from the info, shut out the other opinions, and listen to my inner guidance. I have to believe in my own power to choose the right next step. That is when I make the best choice for me. That is when I make the most powerful choice for me.

If you are like me and looove to collect info when you don’t know what the next right step is, then let me remind you that the most powerful voice should be your own. The other thing about info gathering is that there comes a point when it becomes an excuse to not make a choice. If we are in info gathering mode, then we let ourselves of the hook on taking a step, right? I mean we can’t choose when we are still getting info!

Here is how you know that you have enough info and you are stalling….you feel even more stuck and lost than you did before. So what do you do? Whatever gets the voices, opinions, and info out of your way so you can get back in touch with yourself! Go for a walk, take a social media break (this is a huge one!), talk to someone who can be a sounding board, like a coach, who won’t give you any advice or opinions, write a letter to yourself or simply put whatever you are mulling over aside. Give yourself permission to not think about it for 48 hours. Go do anything that make you feel connected to yourself. Then ask yourself what the answer is, whatever comes up first is likely your gut intuition about the right choice!

Believe in the power of your intuition. Believe in the power you have to make the right choice. Believe in your power to make it happen because I know you can.