justaskWell, I just have to say that I am still riding the “new website holy cow it’s happening” high and its a holiday week! I can feel a buzzing in everyone! The excitement of a long weekend, of seeing loved ones, of watching parades, stuffing our faces with delicious treats, and the kick off of the holiday season. (Unless you’re me and the kick off of the holiday season is the day after halloween! yea thats right!) Can you feel the buzz too? Everyone is just a little lighter in their step, even if they have a ton to do before the holiday. I can’t help but get swept up in the excitement!

This year especially, I have so much to be grateful for! I touched on a little bit of this in my last post so I won’t get super sappy today but I do want to tell you about the folks that have helped me get to this point. I mentioned that you don’t have to go your journey alone and I mean it! Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Committing to a new path and making a big change can lead to some serious uncertainty. Am I on the right track? Where do I go from here? Can I do this? What do I do next?  When uncertainty happens you need to have a plan to keep you on track. Start with a list of people who will support you on your journey. These are people who know you and really support you in your goal.  (Not your aunt milly who thinks your idea is ridiculous and you won’t ever be able to do anything so you might as well just learn to love what you have because we don’t all get to have what we want) Yea, not that kind of person. You want the kind of person you can call when you’ve been up all night going over things in your head and you just need someone to listen to your inner ramblings. Maybe a coach? (see what I did there *wink*) Write down a list of those people who have your back so when things get tough and you doubt yourself, you know who you can call!

Now, sometimes you need people who know more about something you don’t or who have a skill you haven’t mastered (or don’t want too). Like book keeping? web design? or copy writing? how to get your business legal? You would be amazed at the great people you can find online who are ready and willing to help you get where you want to go! Bonus: They actually like doing the thing you don’t want to do. Hiring folks to do something for you that they love to do = getting really good work that you didn’t have to do.  For example, I am a graphic designer and while I have some web design knowledge, I would not call myself a web designer in the least. Also, I have a really hard time designing things for myself. We’re all our hardest critic right? So for me to do the header for this website, would have taken me (read: given me a reason to procrastinate) for 3 months because I know myself. I would tweak and tweak and tweak and be old and grey until it got done! So I found some excellent help. I was struggling to figure out my coaching focus so I hired a coach! I needed help with a tagline so I got a copy writer! I needed a pick me up so I called a friend or my mom or my husband. I asked for help. So I wanted to share with you some of that help in case you might be needing some of the same things!

So first and foremost, what lead me to coaching was working with this amazeballs lady a few years ago, Michelle Ward, the When I Grow Up Coach. Are you lost in your creative career, this lady is the super woman of creative career change and helping you find your passionate career! Check out her coaching and all of her e-course’s. She also has a book out called The Declaration of You! I took the original e-course and it was amazeballs. www.whenigrowupcoach.com

– Eharmony.com. Where I found my super supportive and amazing husband. Seriously, it works! Though he would argue he found me since he messaged me first. True, but I had every intention of messaging him too! He was too cute not too!

– Messaging, branding, and copyrighting: I lucked out here because I started out by signing up for a message session with the fantastic Becca from theuncagedlife.com. She is a brilliant coach and cheerleader for getting you going! I was lucky enough to work with her as she was launching a new program with two other amazing ladies, Lis Dingjan and Lyndsay Rush. They are creating Brandburst! It’s a combo of a message session with Becca, a tagline writing session with Lyndsay and a header designed for your website from Lis. They don’t have a website for this yet but if you are interested send them an email at hello@brandburst.me. My advice is to get on this train early because it is going to take off in no time and be way harder to get in with these 3 talented ladies! Here are their respective websites:

Becca – www.theuncagedlife.com

Lyndsay – www.rushbomb.populr.me/wordsmith-for-hire

Lis – www.lisdingjan.com/

These ladies were the final catalyst in getting this site up and running. They listened and really got what I was going for! They gave me a place to start and a giant leg up! I had no more excuses to give myself on not getting started. In fact, I felt so energized by their  good vibes and excitement that I wanted to get things going ASAP! I can’t thank them enough! All of the folks on this list!

There are so many more people behind the scenes that help me move forward each day. I hope to be able to tell them all some time how grateful I am! So all I’m saying is when you need support for any reason don’t hesitate to ask! Too often we let pride or some other silly notion that “we have to do it all on our own or it doesn’t count” get in the way. When really, you have folks in your life that are just waiting for you to say the words because they want to see you get where you are going as much as you do!

When you celebrating this weekend, look for your support people and if you can give them a big ol’hug! Happy thanksgiving everyone!! Let’s eat some food!

PS For website building help, Becca has an amazing free video tutorial on her website, click here for it.