I have such BIG news today that I almost can’t believe I’m writing this!

I have wanted to write this for so long. I’ve been working toward this for soooo long. Today I am so incredibly excited to tell you that this May I will be leaving my job and going FULL TIME into my business. 

(happy dance, squeal, happy tears!)

I’ve imagined this moment for the last 5 years since I started this journey to work for myself. If I’m being honest, there were a lot of moments when I thought it was never going to happen. It felt impossible. Things didn’t work, money wasn’t flowing. The plan didn’t go as planned. But I kept going. I kept reminding myself of my why and my vision. I had faith. Faith in myself. Faith in God. Faith that this dream was given to me for a reason and now it’s HERE!

I really mean it when I say I have been working hard at this for at least 5 years. In fact, if you add coach training school it’s been more like 8. EIGHT years friends! Not to mention 2 kids later. So if you are at all thinking this happened overnight, please know that is not true at all.

This has been a journey and there has been no pre-set path. I’ve been hacking away at this dream one step at a time. Failing, winning, wanting to quit, knowing I can do it, so many emotions! No matter what, I’ve continued to keep learning with each step and it’s that persistence that has gotten me here today.

There is just so much I want to say right now and in an effort to not turn this into a novel I’ll just say that gratitude doesn’t fully express what I’m feeling. I’m thankful for my friends, family and wonderful husband who have been supporting me through all of this. I’m thankful to my business coach, Michelle Ward, and her mastermind group who have kept me thinking of how to achieve this dream! I’m thankful to God for helping me see this vision through.

I became a coach because I wanted to help people achieve their goals and dreams. I’ve been overwhelmed with emotion when one of my clients does just that. I wanted to help design brands for people to help them bring their visions to life. I’ve been ridiculously proud to see the work I’ve done for those clients out in the world. When I’ve been struggling to stay motivated and continue reaching for this goal I’ve tried to remember my why. My reason.

This is the reason. This feeling that I am able to be of service to people. That I am able to use the talents God gave me to bring joy and happiness to others is overwhelmingly magical. I know it’s hard to be grateful in the hard moments of a journey but standing here on the precipice of a huge life change, I could (and probably will) weep with joy and gratitude.

I’m not particularly religious but I am spiritual and this is one of those moments when I feel God. I feel Him when I hold my children and want to cry with happiness. I feel Him now and am so thankful that He’s lead me down this path. I am doing this. I am a business owner. Starting in May I am going to wake up each day and rely on myself. On my skills, my knowledge and my determination my make this work.

Am I going to miss my co-workers? Yes. Am I going to have moments of fear and “what the hell am I doing?” For sure. Is it worth it? 1000% Percent.

We have a granddaughter clock in our house that was given to me by my Grandma when she passed away. She was an incredible artist and the most loving Grandma I could ever ask for. She taught me so much about art but also how to love. I miss her every day. Now, we haven’t wound the clock in years because we have a smaller house and small children so having it chime all hours of the night isn’t ideal.

Yesterday, for no reason, the clock chimed. The beautiful, musical chime and then it “bonged” once. Now maybe I’m making more of it than it was but I know it was my Grandma saying she was proud of me.

Do you know what brings me to tears most when I think about how far I’ve come? That I am proud of me too. We don’t’ say that to ourselves enough. Be proud of yourself! Celebrate the big and little achievements. Most of us can nail in on what we haven’t done but how often do you take a minute to appreciate all you have done?!

Since I’ve started spreading the word about my big change I’ve gotten a lot of responses in the vein of “I wish it was me too.” So I just want to say that if my news, is making you wish for a change of some kind that I fully believe you can do it too! I plan on doing a lot more writing on my journey and how I got here so if there is any particular question you want to ask, email me and I’ll try to answer them all!

If I could give each of you this feeling of intense joy I would with all my heart. So anyway I can help you reach your goals, I am in for! I am so thankful for you for coming along on this journey with me!

I’ll be taking a little time off in May to spend with family and then starting May 20th I’m going to be ready to roll! If you’ve been wanting to work with me then let’s do it!  I’m ready to make some kick-ass brands and work with your fantastic self!

Here’s to dreams coming true!!