What would you say to a younger version of yourself?
I read this recently and it’s been sitting in my brain rolling around. What would my younger self have needed to hear? There was a time as a kid when I was made to feel “less than”. If it’s happened to you then you know what I mean by that. It’s not...
Back Scratching Calls
Hi lovelies, I need your help because I really want to help you. I want to be sure I'm listening to what you really need and how I could help you the most! The best way I can think to do this is to ask you to take a short survey letting me know in your own words what...
Everything is scary until it’s normal.
Thinking about fear and comfort zones reminded me that everything feels scary until it becomes your new normal. Every time you try to do something new or go down a new path it will be scary until you get use to it. And that feeling is totally normal! But it’s...
When fear and doubt creep in
What I feel right now is fear and doubt. They have been creeping in on me for a few weeks now. Like the creepy grey mist from the vampire in the twilight series. What am I afraid of? Taking a leap. Really jumping and going for it. I’m afraid it won’t work out. I’m...
Hello, January!
Well Hello there January! Was December as crazy for you as it was for me? While I hate that the holidays are over and its a whole year until Christmas comes again, I also am a little relieved to see January arrive. I feel like January gets a bad rap since it...
Holiday Overwhelm
The holidays are here! Cue Andy Williams! (And immediately after go into panic attack over all that has to be done) ack! Holiday overwhelm is here! This year because apparently we are gluttons for punishment, we decided to have our bathroom redone at the same time....
Be the change you want to see
This last week has been a roller coaster here in the US. Heck the last 18 months of the presidential campaign have been insane. I’m having a hard time processing all my emotions, all the stories, news articles, and opinions being thrown in my direction. Which is why...
Welcome, Welcome!
It's launch day! Welcome to my new site Beginning Good! I'm so excited to show you what I've been working on behind the scenes finally. It's been a long road to get to this moment and I'll be honest there are still thing I wish I had time to do before today to...
new beginnings
Beginning : the point in time or space at which something starts. Friends today is the beginning of a new adventure! I'm very excited to tell you all that in the next coming months Follow Your Arrow will be evolving into Beginning Good! I have grown so much...
Coffee : keeping parents functioning through sleepless nights. For the record, teething sucks. Today's monday motivation is simply coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. I know there will come a day when I miss this stage and forget the sleepless nights. I'm trying...