
The holidays are here! Cue Andy Williams! (And immediately after go into panic attack over all that has to be done) ack!

Holiday overwhelm is here! This year because apparently we are gluttons for punishment, we decided to have our bathroom redone at the same time. (Yea, I know! I am listening to the sound of hammers as I type this.) Between construction, a nasty cold that went through the house and well, life, I am really feeling the overwhelm this year. And to really drive it home how behind I feel, I already got 2 Christmas cards in the mail. (Seriously, how do people have time to get them done this early?!)

Are you feeling the same thing? or did you send me a Christmas card already? (I still love you!)

If you are like me and feeling the craze of the season let’s both take a moment to breathe it out. We can do this and will do this and damn it, we are going to enjoy the hell out of the season.

You know why? Because it’s not the cards or the stuff or the perfectly decorated tree that matters. It’s spending time and making memories with the people you love. So let’s get out of overwhelm together shall we? I even made it into 5 easy steps for us!

Step one: Recognize we are overwhelmed. Check.  (Right?)

Step Two: Ask for help.
You and I both know we don’t need to do it all by ourselves so let’s talk to our significant others or friends or family. Ask for what you need because you aren’t an island and usually people really do want to help if they know how.

Step Three: Perfection is not the goal.
If your kids hang the wreath crooked, so be it! Take a picture and remember how cute it was.  Someone doesn’t wrap a present “correctly” who cares! It’s done and you didn’t have to do it. Kids eating another night of pizza because you didn’t have time to cook dinner? So what! They probably love it and you didn’t have to cook.

What everyone remembers most about this season is how it feels, not that the dishes were perfectly coordinated or the presents were wrapped perfectly. So don’t overly stress yourself. Do what you can and know that it is enough!

Step Four: Stop “should-ing” all over yourself.
My husband tells me this one all the time. In my head my thoughts go something like this….”I should get the Christmas lights up now so the neighbors don’t think I’m not in the spirit. I should also do laundry and I need to write 5 blog posts. Oh I should wash those dishes too. Wait has the dog had breakfast? (It’s dinner time)”

Yes, there is a ton on our plates but instead of asking what we Should do, lets take minute to ask what we Need to do. What do you really need to do right now and what can wait? I bet you really Need to take a minute to relax. The decorations and cards can wait. You Need to feed the dog and you definitely Need to go have some fun with some loved ones.

Step Five: Remember to be present.
If there is one thing this season reminds us it’s that life really is short. Not all of our loved ones make it to each Christmas. That’s why I don’t want to waste my time being overwhelmed right now. I want to be present with my daughter and husband. I want to be present with my friends and family. I want to notice the little things and listen to their stories because I don’t know what is in the future. But right now, in this minute, I am blessed to be with people who love me during one of my favorite times of the year.

I want to remember, to enjoy and to make memories that none of us will forget. When I remember that, when I look at the things I’m overwhelmed by through that lens, it makes them all seem small compared to the real joy of the season.

So please for me, if you do nothing else on this list this season, Be Present. I know that if you are, you will come out in January having had the best Christmas yet.

For me I already feel better having written this and in keeping things in perspective, our bathroom will be done in another week. I’ll get the cards out at some point and the decorating will get done in time. Whats more important is taking my daughter out to get pizza and maybe see santa tonight. Those are the memories that I want to make with her so the dust can just wait to be cleaned another day.  (Plus really, there is just gonna be more tomorrow anyway)

So here is to being present this season and enjoying every minute we can!
