Even Good Change
But don't let that heart break take you backwards. We all ache sometimes for what was or use to be but it's time to focus on now and forward. Grieve for that path you've just climbed. Revel in all you learned and walk forward knowing you're heading towards even...
Bad Day
Some days its hard to remember why you're doing it. Some days you just want to give up and take the easy road. Some days the world seems to be conspiring against you. Don't give up though! Just when it looks like nothing is going your way is when miracles...
Luck O Thee Irish
I am not a runner
I am not a runner. Now, let me tell you about how in a moment of obviously coffee crazed insanity, I signed myself up to run the Broad Street 10-miler with my company in May. I repeat... I. am. not. a. runner. After we got confirmation that we were all in fact...
You gotta decide.
That's why you have to take charge for your world. YOU be the one to choose your next path, other wise someone else might do it for you. Where do you want to be? In other news, I'm spending a lot of time rocking through my certification assignments. I'm so...
It’s alright to be scared
Seriously. Change is scary, people! If you are out there doing something that really matters to you, deep down in your soul, that shit is scary. Not because you can't do it (though we all question ourselves) but because we barely let ourselves feel how much it means...
Go ahead and change your mind
I'm getting on the throw back thursday train with a post from the Swig O Sunshine days.... A few words on changing your mind. It’s. Okay. Okay, well, I guess that was only 2 words! It works though. I know everyone is setting goals and making fresh resolutions with the...
Why being in the dark is a good thing
You know that feeling you get when everything just doesn't seem to be going right? You feel like you can't get ahead or a handle on things. Nothing is working out the way you want! Well, two weeks ago we had an ice storm. Right after we had a snow storm drop 8...
Gonna Let It Burn
It's a snow day here today. 4-8 inches on the way and boy is it coming down. I'd say we're all a little over it at this point. No joke, they are calling for 3 different storms just this week with the potential for a blizzard in the last one. So today's Monday...
What it’s never too late for…
Tom and his band mates, Merring, played their second public show last night. It was my first time getting to see them in action. (since I had my gallbladder removed the day before their first show. Crap timing!) So I was extra excited to see this show! The guys...