Do you ever feel like you just need to pull it together? It’s not that you don’t have it together per say but more like you’ve been juggling the balls so long that your arms are getting tired and some are starting to slip. Not the important balls but, you know, the auxiliary ones that support the important ones like say getting your car’s oil changed? Yea, are you due to get yours done too? I finally, after saying I needed to do it for MONTHS, got mine changed today. (Don’t tell my Dad but for the record, Dad, incase you are reading this, I got my tires rotated too.)

So my car is back up to snuff and I feel like I accomplished something. In fact, Tom and I have been slowly working on that “auxiliary list of to-dos” lately. And damn it feels good!  I have been making phone calls, depositing checks that have been waiting to go to the bank, organizing, cleaning, …check. check. check. And it feels so, so good! It feels like movement and accomplishment.

If you are in need of a pick me up or just want to feel like you are accomplishing something, start on your “auxiliary list of to-dos” aka “annoying things you’ve been putting off list”. I swear just doing one little thing off of it will start some momentum for you! I’ve been feeling a bit tired and uninspired lately but having some small tasks I can accomplish is revving up the creative juices! It could also be the concerted effort to get at least 10 minutes of self-care a day too. (Which by the way, today is the last day to download my free 30 minute webinar on self care here!)

I know that list is annoying but if you are feeling blocked then maybe it’s time to clean out some of the mental clutter. That list can start to feel like a 10 pound weight around our necks and the longer we put things off the heavier it gets! I know that list will always be there but there comes a point where we all need to relieve the load so our brains can stop holding it in the back of our minds, taking up valuable thinking space. Clean up the brain clutter, so you can make space for better things to think about. Do one thing on the list, so you can start feeling like you moving forward again!