

Today’s Monday motivation is a throw back. Do one thing. It’s been a big week here. I started working with my first official client! And it’s incredible. It’s a major step but its the culmination of a thousand little steps. I’m riding an excitement high right now!  People, it really does happen. Just start. Whatever your dream is, if you just stick with it and keep taking little steps, you are going to get there.

I officially started this journey almost 2 years ago if you go from when I started at ICA to become a coach. (Longer if you go back to when I knew I needed to make a change!) I’ve worked at it everyday since then. Ladies and gentlemen, it has been tough. I’m not going to lie, I have questioned my decision, felt guilty for not doing enough, gotten lost in other obligations, had to juggle too many things, dropped the ball, lost faith, you name it! BUT I kept going. Today, was a big, BIG step towards my goal. My first official client! (So exciting!) I can tell you though, while it is a BIG step and I’m so grateful for it, it doesn’t feel like a big step. You know why? Because every step I’ve taken has been leading to this. It doesn’t mean I’m not just as nervous as I am excited. I want to be the best coach I can be and really help my clients! But it means I feel prepared to take this step and (revelation) I’m okay with not being perfect at it. (whaaaa??)

If the reason you aren’t starting is because everything isn’t perfect.. newsflash! It ain’t gonna be. There is never the perfect time. That’s life, right?! You have to go for it anyway. Little steps! Just do one thing. 2 years to graduate seemed like it would be (in the words of Squints Palledorous) For-ev-er! Looking back, time has flown! I was nervous to put my website and work with me page up. I kept thinking, it’s not right yet. I did it anyway knowing that yes, it’s going to change but it’s time to start. No more excuses. My business is going to grow and change with me. As it should. It’s not perfect but I’m working on it!

I wish I could give to each of you what I’m feeling right now! It’s a sense of accomplishment born of something I created and worked my ass off on. I can only imagine for parents, this is what it feels like to see a child succeed. It’s joy, wonder, excitement, anxious, nervous, and thrilled again all at once. It’s feeling like I’ve found my path. I want this for everyone. To feel this sense of freedom and lightness. (oh hello, word of my year!)

It’s time to start. Go do one thing right now! You will be amazed how fast your going to get there.