It’s a rainy day here in PA and it’s making me excited for fall and all things pumpkin. Every year about this time when the heat is just stifling out side, I start to get excited about the season to come. Fall smells like new pencils, crunchy leaves, and pumpkin! Did I mention pumpkin? oh and Harry Potter because obviously, the whole series is awesome.

I’m feeling the pull of change recently and I’m ready for it even though I don’t’ fully know what I mean when I say that. I know come January there will be a huge change in our house with the arrival of baby number 2! Our house is even changing!  As I type this 4 men are helping install our new kitchen! I am so excited about it. This fall and holiday season is gonna be full of delicious baked goods that will finally be baked in a  kitchen with enough counter space for me and 2 other people!

I keep thinking the kitchen is a great metaphor for change. I’m excited about the end result but the in-between of having everything that was in the kitchen now be in the living room, of not being able to cook anything that can’t be microwaved or toasted, of constantly having people in our space, of not being able to really clean (dust bunnies are taking over), and mostly of being pregnant and just wanting to make some damn scrambled eggs is annoying, frustrating, stressful, and some times overwhelming.

Just like the middle part of change. You can’t have change with out it though because that’s where the living and learning come from. No journey happens without discomfort. Change is uncomfortable. Change is also necessary and wonderful in the end. That’s why they say you grow and change. Our kitchen had to go through an ugly deconstruction phase before we could make it more beautiful. We all go through ugly deconstruction phases too. They are necessary to remove the things that don’t’ work anymore so we can make room for the new ones that do. (crappy peeling vinyl counter top -you’re outta here! Welcome new quartz counter!)

So what I’m saying is 1) if you are in the middle of change, in the ugly deconstruction/questioning/”what am I doing” part know that you’re right where you belong and keep going! When it feels too tough to carry on, reach out to your support people, get a coach! and keep going. You will reach the other side. and 2) I feel some changes coming to my business and I don’t fully know what they are but I am open to receiving them when they are ready to reveal themselves. I feel the ideas drifting in and out of my brain and I know eventually they will come together and make sense. Sometimes you gotta ride the wave!

Change is happening all the time. You’re not alone. You can do this. Now I’m gonna go pin some pumpkin recipes and plan a fantastic new kitchen party!

What can you do to help yourself today?


Bonus: Here’s a peek at our kitchen in the ugly deconstruction phase and the beginning of the transformation phase!