I know there’s pain

Why do you lock yourself up in these chains?

No one can change your life except for you

Don’t ever let anyone step all over you

Just open your heart and your mind

Is it really fair to feel this way inside?

Don’t you know things can change

Things’ll go your way

If you hold on for one more day

Where are my 80’s and 90’s girls?! Are you singing along in your head? Okay, are you belting it in your car with your hand up “preach on” style? No? just me??

I love some Wilson Phillips and never really realized how great this song’s message was for when you are feeling totally stuck! I mean it’s a great song to start with but seriously…

Why do we lock ourselves up in these chains? 

Dang! Tell it like it is! Why do we do that? Why do we get ourselves so stuck? Do you know what I’m talking about?

It’s like this…So you’re on the merry go round of stucky stickiness and its annoying as hell. Why, because you are so ready to make a move, make a choice, just do something that makes you feel like your progressing but literally have NO. IDEA. what that thing you need to do happens to be. Or like me you have choices.

Damn those choices.

Choices are great right?! Yea for choices! but now you, um, have to actually pick one.

And what if you pick the wrong one?! what if it totally messes up your life and you end up living in your car or something equally horrible.

Okay, let’s take the drama down a little, Brain. but seriously, what are we doing here? what is the right next step?

Are you in the stuck spiral or the chains? Not sure? Well, does the below describe you:

  1. You are asking everyone their opinion on what you should do.
  2. You wake up in the middle of the night and instantly your brain is trying to solve your problem and all of the world’s problems at 2:30 am. News flash: nothing your brain has to say at 2 in the morning should be trusted.
  3. Your frustrated, anxious, and exhausted.
  4. At this point thinking about where you feel stuck makes you want to drown yourself in Netflix so you can stop thinking about it
  5. Or you are seriously considering tearing it all down and starting over because that sounds easier than trying to figure out the answer.

If it’s you, I feel you Girl. Just because I am a coach doesn’t mean I don’t get caught in the stuck trap. In fact, if you aren’t stuck now, the odds are you will be at some point because it’s a natural part of a change. Sometimes we don’t’ even notice we were stuck until we get unstuck!

So here is how I’m working on getting myself unstuck. This morning I’m drinking some coffee and starting a list. On that list, I’m writing out where I am now, why I feel stuck, and where I want to go. I’m listing out the choices I have and the pros and cons of them. I’m also going to write out a vision for myself for the end of the year.

See I need to see where I am now clearly so I can “break free from the chaaaiiinnns” and figure out where I actually want to be. Then I can start making a plan of how to get there. That is where I will start to find the clarity that I need to decide what my next step will be. I’m also going to get a session with my coach on the books because I need a sounding board to help me see myself clearly.

I know that there is pain

But you hold on for one more day and

Break free the chains

Yeah I know that there is pain

But you hold on for one more day and you

Break free, break from the chains

So if you are with me and “holding on for one more day” then join me in this little exercise! I’ve even made a little worksheet you can download here for free! We don’t have to stay stuck forever! So let’s take the first step together towards moving forward!

Also, you probably need to relisten to Hold On again. I know you’re hands are up!