Dear Moms everywhere,

I want to write a letter to each and everyone of you today to say thank you. I’m coming off of 2 weeks of a sick toddler and sitting down to write today’s post, what I want to put out there in the world most is a huge thank you for all you do and a note to say you are not alone.

People tell you about exhaustion before you have kids but you live it every day in ways you couldn’t have imagined. Especially when your kid is sick! You wipe noses and wake up at all hour of the night to sooth and comfort. You wash everything in the house, sometimes six times. You cook meals just so no one eats them (except you, over the stove). You worry and stress about how they are feeling. You walk around in a mental fog just trying to keep everything going. You might even work on the couch next to your little one while they watch mickey for the 10th time that day. You are exhausted and in case you forgot, you are amazing.

What gets you through that exhaustion? You love these little people with everything you have and you marvel at the fact that you get to watch them grow up. You hold and cuddle them while you can. Sometimes you cry because you’re overwhelmed with love and sleep deprivation.  Or because you haven’t actually showered in a week. What really gets you through it though is the knowledge that this will pass and things will go back to normal eventually. (And maybe a glass of wine or two!)

This juggling act of kids, life, jobs and taking care of yourself is tough. Some days it can feel like you’re drowning beneath the weight of it. Other days, you feel like you are winning parenting and life.

Here is what I want you to remember in the hard moments: You are killing it! You are doing your best and that is enough. You are enough. All your kids need is your love and you give them that with all your heart. They may not say thank you with words but every smile, cuddle, and hug they give is saying it for them. 

This moment will pass and another badass parenting moment will arrive, I promise. You are killing it, you can do this and you are not alone. Also, thank you, thank you and thank you.

Yours in exhaustion and love,
