

Do you have the time or are you making the time?

I’ve been struggling with a creativity block lately. I’ve been sitting down and trying to force the creative juices to flow. Of course, it’s not working. You can’t force a dried river to move. So I brought it up in a peer coaching session. Sometimes we have to get out of our own head to see the truth in front of us! I kept saying I didn’t have time to be creative and do the thing I need to do. The coach asked me a great question “whats the difference between having the time and making the time?”

My response: having the time, generally mean your schedule is open. Making the time means your schedule is busy but it’s you make time for it.  A pretty big distinction and a fairly good sized “Duh, to me” moment.  I had been saying I didn’t have time but in reality I hadn’t been prioritizing making space to be creative. You need space, down time, freedom of mind to let the creative flow happen. Sure you can push it sometimes but when you mind and spirit are on empty, there’s no where for the “flow” to fit in.

So I stopped pushing and I’m MAKING time do the things I need to do to feel rejuvenated. I’m working out, decorating for Christmas, cleaning, reorganizing and enjoying quality time with my guy. Guess what? I’m starting to feel the flow again! I don’t feel like I’m forcing anything, I’m just letting it happen and boy does it feel good!

So now I ask you, are you making time for whats important? are you living in force or living in flow?

No matter what your goal, work, life, fitness or whatever, if it’s important to you, make the time to do what you need to do to make it happen. I know it’s not always easy but how amazing are you going to feel when you reach your goal? How great do you feel after you make time for a work out? or spend time with your kids? or write one more blog post? or finish that project that gets you one step closer to your dream job?

Make the time, people! How could you regret making time for something you love?