Stories : Carol Pearson

Happy cyber Monday everyone! I hope you’re starting to recover from your holiday weekend. I know I am going to need a few weeks to recover from all the delicious food! Our pup, Ganon, is exhausted too, from hanging out with family and friends all weekend (and hanging Christmas decorations!). He’s passed out next to me as I type.

This weekend I finally had some much needed down time to just relax. Which, of course, tends to lead to reflecting and sometimes some self realization. I realized there is something that I have to admit. (eek) I’m not walking the talk in taking care of myself. Whew, there I said it. Maybe that doesn’t seem like much, but for me it’s really starting to take a toll. I’m not actively participating in doing what I need to do for me and I am feeling it. I’m weak, tired and mentally exhausted. Don’t get me wrong, I am still super excited about a lot of great things happening! (This new site included) I just know that I’m letting things slip that are important in helping me deal with stress and feeling good about myself. I’m telling myself a story in my head that there isn’t enough time to do it all. I’m not totally wrong, things are crazy but I want to tell a new story. One where I make time by prioritizing what I need to do to get back to feeling good. It’s going to mean shifting my schedule around and committing to making self care important. It’s going to be worth it though and I need to do it.

Now, I know this is a crazy month for making commitments but I know it’s time for me to stop dragging my feet and making excuses. It’s time to take action! If I do a little bit each day, by Christmas I could be feeling like myself again. What better present is there than that? So now it’s your turn, what story are you telling yourself that you need to change? What have you been dragging your feet on? Are you taking care of yourself?

There is only a few more weeks in 2013, let’s end this year with a bang!

Leave me a comment on what new story you want to tell yourself!

Okay, now get back to shopping!