
I’m sitting in my kitchen typing this with the delicious smell of my grandma’s hot rolls baking away in the oven wafting all around me. It’s a smell that brings back so many memories of Thanksgivings past. The family, the love, the laughs… all the little moments that make the memories you cherish forever. These are the moments I can’t wait to share with our daughter.

This year is our last official holiday season as just Tom and I (and the animals of course). As we speak a little turkey is kicking me in the stomach. I like to think she’s excited for some turkey and/or is dancing to the Christmas tunes I have rocking right now. (Yes, I am one of those who thinks it’s never too early for Christmas music!) Knowing that our child is on her way has made both Tom and I more reflective. It’s a weird feeling knowing that in a few short months our lives will be changed completely and in ways we can’t even really imagine yet. We are both so excited and at the same time trying to take mental pictures of this stage in our lives. We aren’t afraid of the change (well, much) but we want to remember what got us to this point in time. We want to be able to share those memories with our daughter and create all kinds of new ones for her.

There is just so much to be thankful for this year that it’s hard to put into words (with out getting all pregnancy emotional!). I’m thankful for this beautiful big family that we have supporting us through our journeys. I’m thankful for all the friends who we love like family who are coming along for the ride. I’m thankful for this beautiful life we are creating and I can not wait to bring our first child into it.

So to your family from ours, Happy Thanksgiving! and know that I am thankful for each and everyone of you. Now, go eat some turkey!

PS Here is a little peek at our gender reveal party where we found out we were having a girl. We were totally shocked! What I love about this picture is all the people who are just as excited and love her as much as we do already. They were only a fraction of the folks in that room too! This little lady is already so blessed. And, yes, it was a costume party and, yes, we are mario and Princess Peach!
