It’s been quiet around here and if I’m being honest its probably going to be a little quiet here on the blog for a bit yet. This last trimester is really kicking my butt! We are only 5.5 weeks away from Baby Good’s due date and with the holidays and baby prep it’s about all I can do to keep up with life in general. I promise to be back in the spring though and if you want to keep up with how things are, make sure to follow me on Instagram at @Beginning_Good, that’s where most of the magic will be happening until after my maternity leave.

All that being said, I’m trying to remember to enjoy this season especially because Lyra is really into it this year. She’s a little unsure of a strange man in a red suit coming down our chimney but seems to be okay with him leaving presents! Not to mention cookies are her fav! Seeing her almost 3 year old delight in Christmas reminded me of one of my favorite childhood memories.I must have been about 6 or so and that year my teacher sent home a Christmas countdown where you glued or taped cotton balls to Santa’s beard each day to count down to Christmas. I don’t know why but this just seemed like so much fun and stuck in my memory so I made a little gift for all of you! Your very own printable Cotton ball Christmas Countdown!

There are 2 versions.

Click the link to download the version where Santa is already colored in:  BG_SantaCountDown

Click the link to add to the fun by having your kids (or yourself) color in Santa as well as make his beard: BG_SantaCountDownbw

It’s super easy, grab some cotton balls and each day add one to his beard until Christmas Eve! And try to remember the magic of this season and not get too stressed out! We remember how people made us feel, not the gifts or how many decorations there were. For the record, as much as I love Christmas, we are gonna be minimal on decorations this year and you know what, Lyra is still just as excited! Be with the folks you love, enjoy the season, and have a little fun!