I did a post five years ago (already) with lessons I learned in my 20’s. Today I turn 35, which is a weird age because in my head my parents are eternally 35! So today I’m bringing back my lessons from my 20’s and adding a few more that I have learned since turning 30! So take a little journey back in time with me today…

The 20’s:

It’s the final eve on my twenties and I can’t help but do a  little reflecting. We had some seriously good times together me and my twenties, and some not so great ones that we learned a lot from.  I mean in general how crazy is it to reach 30? I know the 7 year old version of me would say “that’s so old!” but now approaching 30, I feel neither that it’s old or that I am. Though I do feel wiser. *wink, smile*

I feel like the twenties are a weird age. Great but weird. You’re learning to be an adult but still feel like a kid. Which is also why I’m totally excited for my 30’s! I’ve figured some stuff out by now and most importantly feel as though I have a pretty good grasp of who I am, who I want to be., and where I want to go. I mean, of course, I don’t have it all figured out but I feel way more comfy in my skin than I did a few years ago. What have I figured out? well here are just a few things, my twenties have taught me…

  • You gotta listen to your gut. In both eating and intuition. when you’re full, stop and when your instinct tells you something, listen.
  • You can love someone completely and still have to break their heart so that you can keep from breaking yourself. (This one is tough, and will take a while to work through if you have to learn it)
  • You will love again.
  • Don’t accept less than you deserve in a relationship because if you do, you’re settling and blocking your perfect person from finding you.
  • Don’t drink the water in Mexico unless you live in Mexico. Just trust me. Don’t get ice in your drink either unless you know where the water came from to make it!
  • Travel. It will open your mind.
  • Love more, gossip less.
  • Snuggling someone you love or a pet makes everything better.
  • Adopt an animal, they will save your life.
  • Spend time with yourself. How else will you get to know who you are?
  • Care about yourself as if you were someone you love more than the world, because if you don’t take care of yourself first, you won’t have much to give to anyone else.
  • Boston cream donuts, wacky cake, & french fry pizza are amazing.
  • Be greatful. Always. It only brings more things to be greatful for!
  • Take one step each day towards your dreams. There is never a right time to start so just start.
  • Figure out how to forgive things that happened in the past. You probably grew from the experience anyway and holding on to that anger isn’t healthy. Don’t drag in into the future with you. It’s not forgive and forget. It’s forgive, learn, and let go.
  • When you hit rock bottom, cry it out. Then know that the only way to go is up!
  • Love with everything you have!
  • Go to Disney World and ride in the front seat of the front car of space mountain. It’s so awesome. Then hit the Tiki Room. You’ll feel like you’re 5 again in no time!
  • Be silly and have fun.
  • Take all advice with a grain of salt and listen to the ones that resonate with you.
  • Exercise but do it in a fun way. It really does help ya live longer.

Twenties, We had some awesome times that I am never going to forget. Thanks for teaching me so much and sending me so many awesome people. Now let’s go start a new chapter, learn some new things, and rock the thirties.

The 30’s (so far):

  • Your parents love you more than you can ever know. (The good ones at least.) Seriously, becoming a mom is the hardest and most glorious thing I’ve ever done in my life! I can’t even begin to explain how much I love these kids. Each one has taken a piece of my heart and I feel the most whole when I’m holding them both. They remind me how much magic is in the world and how the simplest things are the most beautiful.
  • Call your parents. They won’t be around forever and they love you. See above!
  •  Babies can shit on the wall. Literally. I’m not even mad because I’m so impressed.
  • Always accept gifts from toddlers. They love you so much that they want to give you the most special treasure they just found aka a broken acorn, leaf or piece of paper.
  • Date nights are a must with your significant other, especially when you have kids. A. MUST.
  • You are never too old to start something new. NEVER.
  • Change is always scary. You will get through it and be stronger for it.
  • If you have been friends with someone for 10 years or more, you’re family.
  • Snail mail is still the best. Send someone a smile today.
  • Believe in yourself. Believe in your potential. Believe that you can keep going and make it happen. Because you can.


Here is to 35 years of learning, growing and loving. Here is hoping to get at least 50 more!