Oh, how true this is! Though it doesn’t always feel like it. Listen, whatever you are working on, whatever goal you have, this is your reminder to keep going.  See I started this business about 4 years ago. It has changed names, grown, shifted, but my goal has always been the same: To help people achieve their dreams and live a life that’s true to them.

Why? because I know what it feels like to be stuck and not know what to do next. Because I also know how incredibly freeing it is to finally figure it out and start to take steps in the right direction.

So 4 years ago I started a coaching business. I had some clients but if I’m being honest, the momentum wasn’t there or at least not as I thought it would be. Yes, maybe it was nieve but I seriously had in my mind that I would start my business and clients would be knocking on the door! Obviously!  Imagine my surprise when there was no line waiting for me. (waaa!)  But I kept going. I kept trying new things. I kept launching things even if no one signed up. I wanted to throw in the towel a few times. I thought nothing is working!  Then I’d get a client and be ecstatic! Then a few months would go by with NOTHING.

It has been a rollercoaster but I am here today to tell you to keep going! Why? Because as of writing this, I am almost fully booked for the rest of the year! Whoop! So what changed?

Well, I got a coach and signed up for a mastermind group of incredible women who keep me going.  I took some time to reevaluate how I can best help my clients as well as what I really wanted to spend my days doing. Most importantly I NEVER. GAVE. UP.

It’s work starting a business (not to mention having 2 kids under 4 and a regular job) but its work that is worth it. It’s work that makes me feel good because I know I am one step closer to my goal of doing this business full time. I’m one step closer to having more time with my kids. I’m one step closer to helping other entrepreneurs realize their dreams and put more good out there in the world.

Rumi says “What you seek is seeking you.”  Whatever you are seeking, keep going! Shift, change, adjust, lean, do whatever you have to do but don’t stop trying. It may be a roller coaster but what if a week from now you hit your goal? or what if the thing you are waiting for is just a few steps away.

Keep seeking friends. We are in this together! If you need a reminder, download this graphic and make it your phone wallpaper!



ps if you are ready to rock your business with branding and want to do it before 2019, I still have one spot open for this year! It could be yours!