You do not need to do it all
It’s been a bit crazy around here with baby prep and the holidays coming plus a few bonus colds going through the house. It’s left me feeling, well, exhausted. Which is part of being a parent but not that helpful in the entrepreneurial world. I haven’t felt...
Pennsylvania Conference for Women
Wow. Just so much wow. I am still processing all the great inspiration from my trip to the Pennsylvania Conference for Women yesterday. A few people have asked me “How was it?” and the word amazing just doesn’t do it justice. The morning started with me making a new...
Reclaim your confidence
Today I wanted to talk to you a bit about what it means to reclaim your confidence and do big things. You know, my tagline. I’ve had a few people ask me about it recently and it made me want to really get into it. What does it mean? Well, for my clients, it means a...
Own the story
I like so many others I know have been struggling with what to say about what has happened in Charlottesville and really in this country in general. I have so many emotions and thoughts swirling in my head that it makes it tempting to say nothing but that would be...
Even Trees Change with the seasons
It's a rainy day here in PA and it’s making me excited for fall and all things pumpkin. Every year about this time when the heat is just stifling out side, I start to get excited about the season to come. Fall smells like new pencils, crunchy...
Choosing Change and why it’s so hard!
I did a little live Facebook video today on choosing change and why it's so hard! Seriously, choosing change is as hard as and sometimes harder than change that just happens to you. Why? because you actually have to make a choice. You can't fall back on "oh,...
Monday Motivation
This past Monday I woke up feeling, well, bleh. I mean it was a Monday after a really fun weekend celebrating my parents 30th anniversary. Who wants to get back in the work groove after a great weekend like that?! I hoped in the shower and I was feeling dread as my...
Mix Tape Monday
Happy Monday everyone! Today is my first day back from vacation so you know I'm going to need a little pick me up! The first day back is always the hardest. No matter how much I enjoy what I do, nothing compares to a whole week of lazy beach days with my...
Brain Error: Too many tabs open
Do you ever feel like you just need to pull it together? It’s not that you don’t have it together per say but more like you’ve been juggling the balls so long that your arms are getting tired and some are starting to slip. Not the important balls but, you know, the...
Mothers Day
Happy Mother's day to all the moms out there! Nothing has changed my life more than becoming a mom. It is the hardest and most rewarding job I've ever had. I'm blessed everyday I get to wake up to my little girl calling me Mama and to have such a wonderful Mom...