The giving of thanks and an update

The giving of thanks and an update

I’m sitting in my kitchen typing this with the delicious smell of my grandma’s hot rolls baking away in the oven wafting all around me. It’s a smell that brings back so many memories of Thanksgivings past. The family, the love, the laughs… all...

I am not a runner

  I am not a runner. Now, let me tell you about how in a moment of obviously coffee crazed insanity, I signed myself up to run the Broad Street 10-miler with my company in May. I repeat… I. am. not. a. runner. After we got confirmation that we were all in...
What it’s never too late for…

What it’s never too late for…

Tom and his band mates, Merring, played their second public show last night. It was my first time getting to see them in action. (since I had my gallbladder removed the day before their first show. Crap timing!) So I was extra excited to see this show! The guys...
Making the Time

Making the Time

  Do you have the time or are you making the time? I’ve been struggling with a creativity block lately. I’ve been sitting down and trying to force the creative juices to flow. Of course, it’s not working. You can’t force a dried river to move. So I brought it up...
Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Well, I just have to say that I am still riding the “new website holy cow it’s happening” high and its a holiday week! I can feel a buzzing in everyone! The excitement of a long weekend, of seeing loved ones, of watching parades, stuffing our faces with delicious...